air conditioning cleaning

Workplace Air

Is an invisible cocktail of dangerous toxins making you feel sick at work?

Every day that Kerry* spent at work ended with a pounding headache, a dizzy spell or feeling nauseous. Initially, the health care worker attributed the symptoms to dust being spread by minor construction work nearby.But when the debilitating symptoms failed to subside, Ausmech Air was commissioned to carry out...


How your workplace can benefit from an HVAC air purifier

If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it’s that clean, fresh air is critical in the fight against the spread of airborne viruses. The pandemic shined a spotlight on indoor air quality, with a particular concern for the safety of people working in confined indoor spaces. Which likely explains why air...


Can the air con make you sick? How often should you change the filter? We answer your commercial HVAC questions

Noticed you’ve been feeling a little headachy while at work? And, come to think of it, that musty old smell permeating the air surely isn’t good for you, right? If you’re wondering how much the air conditioner has to do with the way you feel, or you’re not sold on...


The rise and rise of air purifiers: why they have become so popular

If recent history is anything to go by, our indoor air quality is fundamental. Before the spread of airborne diseases dominated news headlines, there was another hazardous health crisis that captured our attention. The bushfire crisis. Whether it was to keep the smoke at bay or to remove the Covid...


Ever wondered if a hospital HVAC system can make you sick?

If the rapid rise of Covid-19 cases globally has taught us anything, it’s that the virus can be transmitted by aerosol. We now know we can become infected after being exposed to aerosol droplets exhaled by an infected person. But can infected aerosols also be distributed by Heating, Ventilation, and...


Why proper ventilation is the key to a safe return of students to the Covid classroom

Do you wonder how clean the air that children breathe in classrooms is? The answer could raise the anxiety levels of parents across the state as students prepare to return to face-to-face learning. And rightly so, because if there is one thing that can bring the long awaited return to...


How proper ventilation can help fight the risk of Covid-19 transmission in the workplace

With Sydney in the midst of a worsening Covid-19 outbreak, it has never been more essential that heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are properly maintained. Optimising ventilation in indoor workplaces is one weapon being used to fight the risk of coronavirus transmission. So how confident are you that...


Dirty air filters don’t just hinder your air conditioner’s performance, they can undermine your health too

What would happen if you didn’t service your car regularly? Or, for example, you ignored the build-up of slime and algae on your fish tank? Eventually you would expect to run the risk of destroying your car’s engine and, as for those poor fish, the outcome wouldn’t be pleasant. It’s the...


Can a clean air conditioning system keep employees productive?

We’ve all experienced that mid-afternoon slump at work: you know that sluggish feeling you get when your energy levels dip and you find it difficult to get things done? Before you reach for a sugary pick-me-up snack, turn your attention to the air conditioning system – it could just be the...


Fighting coronavirus: how sanitising your air conditioning system can offer you protection

The global coronavirus pandemic has us in a cleaning frenzy, attacking every surface to remove any trace of dirt or grime. But what about the germs we can’t see? Like the potential viruses lurking in the air conditioning duct work of the very systems designed to deliver us comfort. We know...