air conditioning

The cost of achieving indoor air quality – can we afford it, or will we pay the price for ignoring it?

The Australian government is shining the spotlight on indoor air quality, pledging to make the issue a priority over the coming year. Its Clean Air Forum held in Canberra in March, saw a think tank of experts explore the profound impacts of clean indoor air on our health and productivity. Some...


What does the future hold for commercial HVAC?

Imagine a commercial HVAC system that intuitively manages interior temperatures and humidity levels, is powered by renewables to reduce energy costs and is designed to deliver the highest standard of air quality to mitigate the spread of airborne contaminants. These are the sorts of technological advancements that are helping to turn...


How much is poor air quality costing your business?

How many times have you felt sluggish at work? Or blamed pollen for triggering pesky cold-like symptoms. Did you ever think the C02 levels in the office could be the cause? The quality of the air we breathe can impact our health and well-being – so is it time we shifted...


Need a reliable HVAC contractor for your commercial building? Here’s what you need to look for

Commercial building owners would agree: the failure of a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system can be devastating. Whether you’ve been hit be a HVAC emergency, you need a new system installed or you’re looking for a reliable preventative maintenance provider to circumvent a system failure, you need a...


How your workplace can benefit from an HVAC air purifier

If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it’s that clean, fresh air is critical in the fight against the spread of airborne viruses. The pandemic shined a spotlight on indoor air quality, with a particular concern for the safety of people working in confined indoor spaces. Which likely explains why air...


Can the air con make you sick? How often should you change the filter? We answer your commercial HVAC questions

Noticed you’ve been feeling a little headachy while at work? And, come to think of it, that musty old smell permeating the air surely isn’t good for you, right? If you’re wondering how much the air conditioner has to do with the way you feel, or you’re not sold on...


Why Australia’s skills shortage is an opportunity for a career in HVAC

What do you make of all this talk of a skills shortage crisis crippling the nation? Businesses are reporting difficulties filling skilled labour gaps – a problem exacerbated since the commencement of the pandemic and, in part, also due to a lack of skilled migration and a steady decline...


Legionnaires disease outbreak a timely reminder of the importance of proper air conditioning maintenance

Legionnaires’ disease is back on the radar after a recent spate of cases in Sydney. And while the source of infection has yet to be revealed, the spotlight is being shone on cooling towers after defects were found in six. The outbreak is a timely reminder of the consequences of...


You had one job! HVAC fails that will make you laugh (and cringe)

When you’ve been working in the HVAC industry for as long as we have, you’re bound to come across some cracking – some might even describe as epic – fails. From units installed upside down to an unwanted animal intruder in a switchboard, some on-the-job mishaps are so ludicrous you can’t...


How 3D printing technology can put an end to the office air con wars

It’s an argument that has played out in almost every workplace: the air conditioning is either too hot or too cold. Thermal discomfort commonly tops the list of complaints by workers. In commercial buildings, air conditioning issues feature in the top three complaints by tenants. But a new innovation might just...


Why proper ventilation is the key to a safe return of students to the Covid classroom

Do you wonder how clean the air that children breathe in classrooms is? The answer could raise the anxiety levels of parents across the state as students prepare to return to face-to-face learning. And rightly so, because if there is one thing that can bring the long awaited return to...